
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or just to say howdy! 



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I live with my husband (Austen) and our two fur babies (Miss Lucy Sapphire and Sir Chester) in Bozeman, Montana. Growing up in Havre, Montana, the hard work ethic of the Hi-Line and the land’s raw beauty will forever have my heart. Montana’s breathtaking scenery, the pace of life, and the unlimited amount of outdoor activities are what keep me here.

I have Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Art History from Montana State University as well as a BFA, with a focus in Ceramics. I am currently working on my PhD in American Studies reexamining John Dewey’s aesthetics, ethics, and inquiry for the 21st Century.

I teach as an adjunct professor at Montana State University’s School of Art, am the Board President of Compassion Project, and the Public Art and Outreach Coordinator for the Arts Council of Big Sky.

 I have a lot of favorite things. Montana, dogs, and art are just a few. I also love dancing, special coffees, and camping. I would have to say that one of the top things on my list is seeing the smiles on my customer’s faces when they see their personalized pet paintings!

I have practiced making art for as long as I can remember. Watercolors were my favorite growing up. Originally, I went to college thinking I was going to be a forensic pathologist and when I decided to take a class in the art department for a little break, it was no surprise to my family that I decided to switch majors. I’ve dabbled with a bit of everything from printmaking, ceramics, metalsmithing, and photography.




The Portrait 

My custom dog paintings make me so incredibly happy and I want to share that happiness with others. Capturing the character of a deeply loved pet is my ultimate goal. Every dog has a personality and being able to catch that character in a wild-colored acrylic painting keeps me smiling! Dogs are a part of the family and these custom portraits are a great way to honor their special place. 



The Statement

I do not define my work by any particular medium. I am an artist. I paint, I photograph, I sculpt, I create. Simply put, I am a maker of things. I want my pieces to have a characteristic mark of its maker’s hands. More than just a stamp or signature but a thumbprint, a sketch mark, a sign of the process that cannot be replicated. I believe in pragmatist aesthetics and moral imagination as an embodied art of living. The way I show up and interact with the world is an art form in itself.

The Other

The focus of this site is my pet portraits and prints but that is not all I can do. I can paint whatever you'd like, just ask :)  Teaching is my absolute passion whether it’s American studies, intellectual history, art history, studio art, community classes on mindfulness, art, and compassion, paint your pet nights - you name it, I’m into it! Basically, if you are interested in collaborating please contact me and let’s see what we can make happen. Thanks!